GARE Public Resources

Advancing Racial Equity and Transforming Government 

03-13-2024 01:25 PM

Across the country, more and more cities and counties are making commitments to achieve racial equity. The Government Alliance on Race and Equity (GARE) is a national network of government working to achieve racial equity and advance opportunity for all. When government focuses on the power and influence of their own institution and works in partnership with others, significant leverage and expansion opportunities emerge, setting the stage for the achievement of racial equity in our communities.

Over the past decade, a growing field of practice has emerged. This toolkit is based on the lessons learned from practitioners, as well as academic experts and national technical assistance providers. You may be participating in a structured workshop and using it as a part of the workshop, or you may be using it as a reference. It is a resource that will hopefully be informative, but more importantly, one that we hope will assist government leaders in operationalizing racial equity.

Published October 4, 2015


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