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The field of planning is now rich with examples of adopted land use plans, analyzing the benefits and burdens of growth and integrating considerations of racial equity into their zoning maps and policy. One example is the City of Minneapolis 2040 Comprehensive Plan . It was one of the first...
Following advocacy and engagement from community leaders and tenant organizations, the City of Boston adopted an ordinance adding fair housing zoning requirements to its zoning code. The ordinance advances racial equity by requiring developers of large residential developments to analyze current...
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Arlington County (VA) passed a series of “missing middle housing” ordinances allowing up to six units on a residential lot. Prior to this legislation only single-detached homes were permitted in 79% of the County’s residential land area. Single detached homes are often the most expensive form of...
Albuquerque's Office of Equity is first equity office to lead a housing and economic development needs assessment for Black and Native community members. The assesment includes an audit of harmful actions made against Black and Native communities, cites racially disagregated data, and...
Following advocacy by a community coalition, Portand leaders adopted equitable growth policies in its 2035 Comprehensive Plan. Policies include new planning practices to analyze displacement risk and mitigate impacts, use inclusive community planning practices, require affordable housing in all...
The City of Seattle adopted the Mandatory Housing Affordability Program to ensure that new development contributes to rent-restricted, income-qualified homes for low-income people. This requirement was implemented by changing zoning to allow larger development and more housing throughout the...
Following requests from community members for a racial equity analysis of Seattle's Comprehensive Plans, the Office of Planning and Development put out a first in the nation racial equity analysis as a companion to the Environmental Impact Statement. The resulting Comprehensive Plan directed...
NYC Equitable Development Data Explorer and Racial Equity Reports New York City created an Equitable Development Data Explorer to standardize racial equity analysis of land use decisions and inform conversations surrounding proposed redevelopment, affordable housing projects,...
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