RACE Forward Training Opportunity: Governing for Racial Equity

When:  Apr 3, 2025 from 12:00 PM to 06:30 PM (ET)

Register Here

Designed for those working within local and state jurisdictions and agencies, this interactive training, which includes facilitated discussion, exercises, and video, provides an introduction to the role, responsibilities and opportunities for government to advance racial equity by focusing on normalizing racial equity as a core value; operationalizing racial equity through new policies and institutional practice; and organizing for racial equity, both internally and in partnership with other institutions and the community.

Participants will gain:

  • Awareness of the history of race
  • Understanding of key terminology, including implicit and explicit bias, as well as individual, institutional, and structural racism, and how they impact the workplace
  • Skill to identify and address institutional and structural racism
  • Practice with our racial equity tool that can be used in decision-making relating to policies, practices, programs, and budget


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