
Waco City Council takes aim at racial disparities, gentrification

By Rachael Wyant posted 05-30-2019 12:08 PM


The Waco City Council is putting the issue of racial equity on the front burner after holding a four-hour retreat Thursday on helping the city’s nonwhite majority to catch up in economic and health standards.

The council asked city staff to draft a slate of policy recommendations to make the city more inclusive as an institution and to improve job and health care access to black and Hispanic residents.

Those policies could include incentives for job creation in the inner city and lowering bidding barriers to minority-owned contractors.

The racial equity goals could also affect hiring practices, planning and zoning, infrastructure decisions, health district outreach, and housing programs, city staff said. The goal is to increase participation of minorities in Waco’s economy and society in a way that benefits the whole community.

For more information, please see recent news article: